Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hardware Inventory Issue - Real time experience

Unable to get the hardware Inventory report from the client

->Checked on the SCCM server, under default client settings the Hardware Inventory was scheduled to run everyday on the client machine.
->As you have around 8000 clients reporting to the MP, this can impact the MP.
->Customer agreed.
->Checked IIS logs with the client's IP address:, got BITS error BITS error : 501, 0x80070005. 501.0

->Scheduled the hardware and software inventory to run after every week.
->Went ahead and enabled the BITS Upload option under CCM_Incoming.
->Did IIS reset.
->Also, restarted the SMS_Executive server service.
->Monitored the MP_Hinv.log and found that it was showing a lot of movement.
->Monitored the issue for a day and found that the clients did report the inventory to the server.

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