Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Task Sequence Know issues and resolution.

Know issues and resolution.

Problem: Failed to Run Task Sequence (0x80070032) (0x800700A1) Most likely to happen when a disk is already encrypted or a new disk that is not yet configured.

1. Press F8 on the machine that failed to build to open a Command Prompt.
2.Type diskpart
3. Type select disk 0
4. Type clean
5. Type exit to close the Command Prompt
6. Click Finish on the Task Sequence Wizard screen to reboot the machine and build it as normal.

Problem: Failed to Run Task Sequence (0x80004005) Generates a bad certificate most likely to happen when the date time on the local machine is not correct.

1. Boot machine into Bios
2. Set Local Date and time
3. Restart computer and kick off install.

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